Fulfilling Hazardous Material Orders

hazardous chemical services

If you have a product that is considered hazardous, there are some requirements that must be met to fulfill orders. The best way to make sure your products are properly packaged for shipment is by working with a 3PL company. OctoChem, Inc., is a 3PL company that offers hazardous chemical services for warehousing and fulfillment.

Some examples of hazardous materials include:

  • Radioactive items
  • Chemicals
  • Lithium batteries
  • Magnets
  • Lead batteries
  • And more

These materials must be packaged in specific ways to keep the contents safe and contained during storage and transport. Otherwise, you could face thousands of dollars in fines. Our team of experts will make sure your product’s packaging meets regulations regarding hazardous or flammable materials.

Hazardous Material Storage

Hazardous materials must be stored in specific containers. Liquid chemicals like oils, solvents, and cleaning products have to be stored in containers that won’t leak. Examples of chemical containers include IBC totes and drums. Batteries and some other products have to be stored at specific temperatures to keep them cool. This helps prevent fire hazards and deterioration of the product.

Hazardous Material Transportation

During transportation, hazardous materials have to be handled a certain way. Hazardous chemicals must be marked so the carriers know how to handle the package. Some packages will say, “This side up,” or, “Hazardous.” Carriers will follow the instructions on the package. At OctoChem, we make sure your product packaging clearly states what hazardous materials are contained.

Transportation of chemicals doesn’t have to be challenging when you use a 3PL chemical shipment company. We follow carrier guidelines closely because any errors can result in your package being returned. This will result in unhappy customers and unhappy carriers.

Hazardous chemical transportation across country borders also has its own set of guidelines. Some countries don’t allow certain hazardous products, while others allow some with strict guidelines. Many government agencies set these guidelines to protect carriers and consumers from injuries due to compromised packaging. We handle all the heavy lifting and legal paperwork to get your products to your customers in a timely manner.

Choosing the Right 3PL Company

If you’re looking for a 3PL company to partner with, you should visit our website. OctoChem is a proud member of the National Association of Chemical Distributors (NACD). We pride ourselves on providing high-quality hazardous chemical services that benefit our clients, community, and workforce. We give high priority to the health and safety of the people handling hazardous chemicals. We are frequently looking for ways to improve our facilities and services. We strive to do what is right and embrace responsibility for our errors.

OctoChem offers hazardous materials transportation and other third-party logistics services. Go online or contact us for more information!