2090 Wagner St., Vandalia, IL 62471 sales@octochem.com




Over the years there have been numerous debates on the merits of outsourcing activities that were traditionally kept in house. Initially, outsourcing suggested, and in some cases rightfully so, increased cost. As the years have passed, the stigma of increased costs associated with outsourcing traditionally kept in house activities, has slowly morphed from wasted spending to smart economics, improved services and cost reduction opportunities. The World’s largest organizations are today benefiting from selective, and well designed, outsourcing programs and several of these industry icons are among those that have elected to outsource their sample fulfillment programs to OctoChem.
It would be an understatement to say that reaching a decision to outsource your sample program is an easy one. The path to a decision challenges the current process, evaluates strengths and weaknesses, understands it’s cost in dollars, people, equipment, space, resources and, most importantly, it’s effectiveness in supporting the goals of your organization, your sales objectives, your customer base and your markets. Most often, that critically important “first impression” contact that a potential customer has with your company is when a sample is requested. Your response to that request is the beginning of their journey of evaluating you as a potential supplier. Like any other outsourcing decision, there must be due diligence in selecting the proper vendor to assure that one of your most important selling, and marketing activities, is placed in the trust of one that will convey that essential and everlasting “first impression”. It is that “first impression” that establishes future expectations with respect to Service, Professionalism, Responsiveness, Accuracy, Timeliness, Documentation and the Quality of the product received. The selected “sample fulfillment provider” must be one that can support and compliment the objectives of your sales force, respond to the demands of your various markets, have sample fulfillment as their core business activity and provide levels of service and quality that compliments the goals of your organization. Among the many benefits of a centralized outsourced sample program, in addition to cost reduction, is improved service, professionally prepared and packaged samples, consolidating multiple points of sample distribution, presenting a ”same face” to your customer regardless of point of product manufacture, guaranteed sample response times, custom designed reports, real time notification of sample activity to customers, sales, etc., freight cost reduction, sample cost management, the re-allocation of people, space and equipment to other activities and a competitive advantage over those competitors who have chosen to keep their samples in house and have not yet outsourced their program to OctoChem. As a World Leader in Sample Fulfillment Services, we recognize, as previously stated, that while the decision to outsource your samples may be difficult, we can assure you that once that decision is made to transition to OctoChem, it will be smooth and uneventful. We can start the journey by discussing your current process, your issues and your vision of the perfect program and then help you design that program by sharing best practices and drawing on our 20 plus years of experience in serving the chemical industry. It would be our pleasure to prepare, without obligation on your part, a proposal that would detail our services and our cost. The value of this proposal would serve to introduce you to OctoChem, present an opportunity for both of our organizations and serve as a vehicle for you to benchmark and validate your current program against. We would be proud to partner with you in providing a World Class Sample Fulfillment Program.  
Let Us Help Your Company Secure That Critically Important “First Impression” And Competitive Edge!